Wednesday 18 June 2008

Anyone can get No.1 on Google

Anyone can get No.1 on Google...
even you!
Search engine optimization for EVERYONE (SEO)

SEO | TOOLS | Tricks

I just realised why there are so many search results for "search engine optimization" and "SEO" not that I'm complaining or anything but it's certainly no niche market - it's actually saturated.

Most of us who first get a PC with Internet access and develop an interest in the inner workings of how the technology works, sooner or later will publish a web site or blog of our own. The next step would be to then experiment a little and try competing with other websites and that ultimately leads to search engine optimization. Pretty soon we all become experts and publish our SEO guidance for others follow.

Of course anyone can achieve a No.1 position in Google for a given keyword or phrase it really is so easy, how?
By providing unique content!

Here is the proof using three simple examples on the following lines:

1. "Mary had two donkeys"

2. "Themistary"

3. "Anyone can get No.1 on Google"

What's so special about the above?
The first example is a phrase which is unique on Google and therefore has little or no competitors for that particular phrase (I checked).
The second is a made-up word which I invented, and again - no competition!
The last phrase which incidentally is the title of this post according to Google "No results found for "Anyone can get No.1 on Google".

(This is correct at the time this post was made on 19th June 2008)

I invite you to copy and paste the following into your browser (a few days after the 19th June 2008 please) to check for yourself that each of the above are indeed No.1 on Google.

1. "Mary had two donkeys"

2. "Themistary"

3. "Anyone can get No.1 on Google"

Anyone can do this and I hope it proves my point. Naturally I doubt if anyone would search for any of these keywords (except perhaps the last one?) but I hope you agree nonetheless; that unique and original content is great for brand building and will guarantee No.1 position in the SERP's.

Anyone can get No.1 on Google

Sunday 15 June 2008

SEO | TOOLS | Tricks Lesson No.1 - A SEO Primer

Lesson No.1 - A SEO Primer

What is SEO ?
I don't know the exact figure; but it would be a fair estimate to suggest that upwards of 90% of visitors will arrive at your site via the search engines. In other words if you did nothing else except have your web site or blog just sit there on the server without promoting it, then you would have 90% less visitors!

The process of having your web site included (indexed) starts with the search engine spider "robot" downloading metadata from the <>< /head > section of pages and storing it on the search engine's own server. Later a second program called an "indexer" extracts certain information about the page which depending on the pages content such as; wordage, relevance and popularity (and many other important criteria ) are then placed into a scheduler for crawling at later dates.

As a site owner you can have tremendous influence over the behaviour of the whole process, in particular you need to have your site "optimized" to achieve amongst other things "high Ranking" in the SERPS so you can be easily found.
That in a nutshell is what SEO is all about. By optimizing your web site or blog it will enable you to be found more easily by people using the search engines and for you to compete effectively with the competition in your chosen subject/theme or field.

Bored already?
View my regular technology blog:

Make it or break it

Today's To-do list:

(I will explain why later in more detail but for now please trust me on this)
After researching your niche market, you need to register a web site or blog with a URL having a highly related word or phrase included within it which MUST be relevant to the subject/theme of your WHOLE site! Example if your site is about tropical fish then something on the lines of or you get the idea. By doing this you will immediately gain relevance and being relevant as mentioned already is very important. These days all the popular short and easy to remember URL's are gone, but actually the longer ones are more relevant - not memorable granted, but are better than the shorter ones so don't worry.
More on relevancy later as we go on.

2. Write your first page with relevancy
If you have not already done so, register your own free blog with Google's Blogger at: Alternatively if you already have a blog or web site with your relevant words or phrase in the URL then you can proceed to write your index page.

Search engines like content and in HUGE amounts but it must be relevant to your sites theme and it must be unique. Copying and pasting content is frowned upon by search engines so don't be tempted to do it. The best way for you to write content if your stuck or it doesn't come naturally is to do a little reading to gain inspiration. You will soon develop your own style of writing and you can always find articles and put your own spin on things.

Here is a contradiction:
I just said that search engines like lots of original content and above I put emphasis on the word "HUGE" but there is one single exception to this rule!

The exception being; the most important page on your site - Your "index" page.
That is usually the first page a visitor will arrive at otherwise known as the "Home page" example: Your first post to a blog is also similar but is in date order i.e. your first post becomes archived. This first page is the most important and will provide relevancy to the rest of your site - it's like an introduction so guess what?
Your index page should have the "bare minimum" of content with the highest relevancy!

Yes you read correctly... "The bare minimum" of content with the exact relevant words/phrases together with a handful of related words with just ONE single anchored link (pointing to your next page) only. More words here will just dilute your sites overall relevancy.
This is the secret to relevancy!

A picture paints a thousand words!
OK maybe not a thousand exactly, but If you need to convey more information on your index page without sapping, then you should consider using images (with alt text) to get your message across. It is very easy to type some text into an image editor or screen capture and paste the image into your page - this will get the message across to visitors and help you concentrate your keywords without dilution. Use related words and phrases only which are likely to be searched for and avoid any words which are unlikely to be searched for.

BTW In the last paragraph... You have just read an image!

I will post a separate tutorial on internal links at a later date but for now please just edit your index page to provide just one single link pointing to your next page - which should be descriptively anchored like the following example:
< href="">How to breed tropical fish< /a>
< href="">Click HERE< /a> - just doesn't do it!

My next post: Lesson No.2
"Editing your 1st page source code for Search Engine optimization (SEO)"

(Hopefully in a few days time - BOOKMARK NOW!)

Saturday 14 June 2008

SEO Tools - Top ten Search Engine Optimizations

SEO ( Search Engine Optimization )
Top ten Tools

SEO money

SEO | TOOLS | Tricks Lesson No.1
Lesson No.1 - A SEO Primer