Wednesday 18 June 2008

Anyone can get No.1 on Google

Anyone can get No.1 on Google...
even you!
Search engine optimization for EVERYONE (SEO)

SEO | TOOLS | Tricks

I just realised why there are so many search results for "search engine optimization" and "SEO" not that I'm complaining or anything but it's certainly no niche market - it's actually saturated.

Most of us who first get a PC with Internet access and develop an interest in the inner workings of how the technology works, sooner or later will publish a web site or blog of our own. The next step would be to then experiment a little and try competing with other websites and that ultimately leads to search engine optimization. Pretty soon we all become experts and publish our SEO guidance for others follow.

Of course anyone can achieve a No.1 position in Google for a given keyword or phrase it really is so easy, how?
By providing unique content!

Here is the proof using three simple examples on the following lines:

1. "Mary had two donkeys"

2. "Themistary"

3. "Anyone can get No.1 on Google"

What's so special about the above?
The first example is a phrase which is unique on Google and therefore has little or no competitors for that particular phrase (I checked).
The second is a made-up word which I invented, and again - no competition!
The last phrase which incidentally is the title of this post according to Google "No results found for "Anyone can get No.1 on Google".

(This is correct at the time this post was made on 19th June 2008)

I invite you to copy and paste the following into your browser (a few days after the 19th June 2008 please) to check for yourself that each of the above are indeed No.1 on Google.

1. "Mary had two donkeys"

2. "Themistary"

3. "Anyone can get No.1 on Google"

Anyone can do this and I hope it proves my point. Naturally I doubt if anyone would search for any of these keywords (except perhaps the last one?) but I hope you agree nonetheless; that unique and original content is great for brand building and will guarantee No.1 position in the SERP's.

Anyone can get No.1 on Google

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

FYI anyone can get number one on google except my grandma!

She has alzheimer's lol
Actually i bet this would work but not everyone can be unique for example if my name is Richard Farley then i am still competing with 2,390,000 English pages for Richard Farley!